Featured Image: U.S. Army Field Band mixing session for SOUNDTRACK OF THE AMERICAN SOLDIER
PARMA has the pleasure of not only releasing powerful works by our artists, but also seeing the positive impact that these works have on listeners. Read on for a selection of what the press had to say about the latest releases from Navona, and Ravello Records.

“I spent two days listening to this wonderful disc and the broadest of smiles never left my face.”

“Given the Field Band’s mission “to connect the American people to its Army,” Keene believed that creating a recording based around the Dolby Atmos format would offer a deeply meaningful listening experience.”

“Guarrine and Keeton connect with the authors’ ability to synthesize all the words in the world into a single image: beauty.”

“This is… really interesting music, even when one reaches the dark, rather morose Space in Still Life. I highly recommend it, and I rarely if ever recommend classical guitar recordings!”

Jan Järvlepp’s Concerto 2000: I Caliente! single release on Spotify’s Classical New Releases Playlist
CONCERTO 2000 as featured on Spotify

Jeff Morris’s Reprise aired on A Duck in a Tree podcast
HEARING VOICES as featured on A Duck in a Tree

“In all, music that rewards repeated hearings.” #1 Most Alluring Recording of the Year, so far