Each week, PARMA has the pleasure of presenting powerful works by our artists and seeing the positive impact that they have on listeners. Read on for a selection of what the press had to say about the latest releases from Navona and Albany Records.

“the ensemble is virtually unrivaled in adding new works to the choral repertoire and performing them to the artistic hilt.”

“The overall tone is overwhelming, romantic, expressive, as fierce and energetic as it is tender and delicate.”

“attractive… an exciting and colorful interpretation at a high level.”

ADOLPHUS HAILSTORK: CHAMBER WORKS by The Harlem Chamber Players featured on “Klasik Müzik” playlist.

“pluralist programming that strives for – and often reaches – fascinating heights.”

“an enriching, rewarding collection of poignant pieces.”
Review Graveyard on VOICES FROM THE OTHER SIDE by Margi Griebling-Haigh

HOLIDAY JOY by Essential Voices USA featured on ASCAP’s “New Music Friday” playlist.

“a warm touch of the holidays… pleasant and cozy.”
Classical Music Sentinel on DASHING VOL. 5 from Navona Records