Each week, PARMA has the pleasure of not only releasing powerful works by our artists, but also seeing the positive impact that these works have on listeners. Read on for a selection of what the press had to say about the latest releases from Navona and Ravello Records.

Stuart Weber’s PIECES OF ROAD featured on Textura’s TOP 10 SINGLES / EPs of 2020.

“[Lentini’s] imposing Symphony No. 1 (“Through Time and Place”), the joyous Sinfonia di Festa and the profoundly lyrical “Three Sacred Meditations” convey a palpable optimism and hope sorely needed in this difficult year. It’s easy to get lost in the embrace of these sounds.”
Chicago Tribune Best Albums of 2020 on James Lentini’s THROUGH TIME AND PLACE.

“The work has a broad wash of mystery, as if looking out from a perspective of a high place as shadows of time and memories travel in waves over a vast emotional landscape below.”
International Alliance for Women in Music Journal on PRISMA VOL. 4 featuring works by Brian Belet, Mara Gibson, Rain Worthington, Angel Sánchez, Adrienne Albert, and John Franek.

“The Real Alice” by Michael G. Cunningham from THREE THEATRE PIECES featured on “Americana” on HRT Croatia.

A VERY RENMEN CHRISTMAS from Renaissance Men featured on “New Christmas Albums of 2020” Spotify Playlist.

Ellen Hargis of Newberry Consort discusses “A Mexican Christmas” performance with Barry Brake of Classical Connections, Texas Public Radio.

CARTHAGE from The Crossing featured on Amazon Music “Best of 2020: Classical” Playlist.

“Enchantment: Song of the Shrine” and “Inspiration Waltzes” from Clipper Erickson’s MY CUP RUNNETH OVER played on Minnesota Public Radio’s Classical 24.