photo: Trio Casals performs works by Carl Vollrath at Carnegie Hall | photo by Brett Iannucci

When you have several recording sessions around the world in the span of one month, an agile production team can make all the difference. This past month, PARMA productions ranged from video shoots in a bustling New York City to a live performance at Carnegie Hall, and to top it all off, the recording of two full length albums. Dive in to follow the team through sessions around the world.

Reese’s Pieces

The team kicked off July productions with the recording of works by California-based composer Mona Lyn Reese, who brought a full album’s worth of music with unique instrumentations to the Czech Republic.

Works with elements of fiddle, tabla, flute, and more lined music stands in the Janáček Theatre Recording Studio, along with bags of reese’s pieces — a whimsical gift from the composer to the performers of the Brno Contemporary Orchestra

I was so impressed with the quality of the players, the conductor, and the production staff.” said Reese, following the session. I only hope I can work with these wonderful musicians again.”

The coming album from Navona Records will span a variety of emotions, says Reese, “from the funny to the tragic.”

New York City Video Shoots with Juliana Soltis

Across the Atlantic, the train kept rolling with video sessions in the bustling streets of New York City with cellist Juliana Soltis for her upcoming Navona Records release, AMERICAN WOMAN. Filming for the album’s video component took place at multiple locations in the big apple including the New York Public Library, where much of Soltis’ research for the project took place. 

Each vignette captured by the production team pairs with a composer on the album, which features works by Mary Howe, Amy Beach, Margaret Bonds, Helen Crane, Dorothy Rudd Moore, and Florence Price.

Music by Carl Vollrath at Carnegie Hall

Over in Midtown Manhattan, members of the team dressed to the nines and headed to Carnegie Hall to see the works of PARMA artist Carl Vollrath brought to life live on the Weill Recital Hall Stage. Performed by Trio Casals with support from Vollrath’s Troy University colleagues Heather Small and Benjamin Crook, the program was received by an enthusiastic audience.

PARMA returns to Carnegie Hall September 28, 2024 with RESURGENCE featuring Ovidiu Marinescu, Noreen Cassidy-Polera, and the works of several contemporary composers.

September 28 2024 at Carnegie Hall’s Weill Recital Hall

PARMA Recordings presents RESURGENCE, a thoughtful exploration into the expressive capabilities of the cello and piano highlighting cellist Ovidiu Marinescu and pianist Noreen Cassidy-Polera.

Piano Productions with Ook Jin You

Sessions concluded back in the Czech Republic at Orlí Street Theatre Recording Studio with Ook Jin You, an internationally renowned pianist, educator, and fellow performer of works by Vollrath. The pianist captured a full album of works by Bach, Mozart, Mussorgsky, and contemporary composer Chad Robinson.