Rane Moore
Featured Recording Opportunity • Clarinet Solo, Clarinet Chamber
This recording opportunity is now closed. Thank you for your submissions. To browse open opportunities visit the Recordings Opportunities page.

Submit your score for consideration and for a quote to record with Boston-based clarinetist Rane Moore, who has been critically acclaimed for her “enthralling,” “tour-de-force,” and “phenomenal” performances. Recordings will be produced by PARMA’s GRAMMY-winning team for release on Navona Records.
Please note before submitting:
This opportunity requires funding/budget to be secured by or on behalf of the artists of approved pieces. Artists will retain full ownership of their resulting masters and maintain full control of the artistic direction of the project. Costs are determined based on approved pieces of music as assessed by our A&R and Production Departments as well as the ensembles and performers involved. PARMA’s team is available to assist with planning, approvals, and outward-facing documentation to assist toward the generation of project funding for approved pieces.
This recording opportunity is now closed. Thank you for your submissions.