Immersive Audio: Kühn Choir of Prague
Featured Recording Opportunity • Choir
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Submit your score for consideration and for a quote to receive a studio recording with 24+ singers (a cappella or with organ, piano). Recordings will be produced by PARMA’s award-winning team for release on Navona Records in stereo and Dolby Atmos immersive audio (following Navona’s Immersive Audio Grammy win in 2022).

Kühn Choir of Prague
The Kühn Choir of Prague is one of the largest Czech choirs and has been part of the musical world for over 60 years. It devotes itself to the choral repertoire of all periods, and its activities include significant performances of contemporary music and performances of large vocal-instrumental works in collaboration with leading Czech orchestras. The choir’s past collaborations with PARMA include eight albums on Navona Records.
This recording opportunity is now closed. Thank you for your submissions.