Dashing Vol. 4
Featured Recording Opportunity • Holiday Music
This recording opportunity is now closed. Thank you for your submissions. To browse open opportunities visit the Recordings Opportunities page.

‘Tis the season… to start thinking about the 2023 holiday season:
With the recent release of DASHING VOL. 3 on Navona Records, we’re now seeking works for Volume 4 in the series, planned for release this time next year.
Previous iterations of the series have been praised as “imaginative and different” (Classical Music Daily), “classical pieces and familiar carols in interesting new dress and arrangements” (Cinemusical), with “something for everyone” (Take Effect).
Submit holiday or winter-themed works today for assessment and a quote to record with the GRAMMY Award-winning PARMA team in 2023!
Music for Vol. 4 can include but is not limited to works for:
Existing recordings may also be considered.
“You and your company’s level of communication with me and impeccable professionalism are a great pleasure to work with, and I am so pleased and proud to be one of your artists!”
“I’m very pleased that DASHING is still/again getting airtime 3 years after its release.”
“I love the range of musical expression and the fact that composers who have neo-classical inclinations are still recognized and enjoyed.”
Please note before submitting:
This opportunity requires funding/budget to be secured by or on behalf of the artists of approved pieces. Artists will retain full ownership of their resulting masters and maintain full control of the artistic direction of the project. Costs are determined based on approved pieces of music as assessed by our A&R and Production Departments as well as the ensembles and performers involved. PARMA’s team is available to assist with planning, approvals, and outward-facing documentation to assist toward the generation of project funding for approved pieces.
This recording opportunity is now closed. Thank you for your submissions.