Each month, PARMA has the pleasure of not only releasing powerful works by our artists, but also seeing the positive impact that these works have on listeners. Read on for a selection of what the press had to say about the latest releases from Navona and Ravello Records.

“…effectively written works, enthusiastically and compellingly performed…”

“the two pieces are so enticing they make one eager to hear more from their creator.”

“Thomas Bowes executes with the maximum fidelity Ysaÿe demands”

“the outcome clearly reflecting a common sensibility and strong connection between the quartet members. One comes away from Epilogue as impressed by their talents as composers as performers, and in particular each musician’s gift for crafting melodies of immense potency and allure.”

“…conjures up the floods of springtime with shivering tremolos, lyrical lines…”
The Violinist on AND THE SNOW DID LIE